All Episodes

August 23, 2021 93 mins

Singer, songwriter and producer Ty Dolla $ign shares some of his words of wisdom and talks growing up in the L.A. music scene, his creative process and working with everyone from Babyface and Skrillex to up-and-comer Tish Hyman.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Of Course, Love Supreme is a production of I Heart Radio.
This classic episode was produced by the team at Pandora.
What Up. This is m pay bill for quest Love Supreme.
Check out singer, songwriter and puter Tie Dollar Sign as
you share some of his words of wisdom and top
Growing up in the l A music scene, He's graded
process and working with everyone from Baby Facing Squirrel X
to Up and comber Tish Himan. This is a QLs

classic Tie Dollar Sign from January seventeen, two eighteen and
there let nigga Loody Washington. How do you know his name?
Ivy Supremama roll call, Sma Suma, roll called sub Prema,

Suprema roll called sub prema Submo. Girls in the club.
You and my girls in the club baby, three oh girls,
Suprema sua call subremathing, Suprema rod. All my name is Fante. Yeah,

this is how we start. Yeah because I'm stealing. Yeah,
all these bitches Hardsma, Subrema rod called Subrema suthing Suprema
road called. My name is Sugar, Yeah, and Sugar is fine. Yeah,
like the almighty Yeah Dollar sign. Bro call Suprima Suprema

road call Subprema subprema roll call. It's like, yeah, don't
like a batty yeah dollar sign y'all Yeah, Heysattie Sma
su Frema road called sub prima suthing sing sub frema
roll call. My name is ty Yeah Todd Dollar Beach

House three yea in stores now sum roll call, Soma
primo roll calm sum roll called roll Wow. Hey. First

of all, let me just say ty thank you for
your understated at lips. Because Shallie Wilson was running ham
and chicken and dressing. He did the side, did the moaning,
the plantation moaning. So I'm about to happen at midnight moaning. Uh,

ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another edition of course Love Supreme, Um,
of course Love. We have a team Supreme. Here are
we still here? We're still here? We we we were
like we down a little bit, Supreme. We got post
holiday Supreme. We gotta fin tigolo in the house or something.
All right, are you doing? We have a It's all

you and sugar, Steve. I never missed a show. This
is true. That is true. That is true, Steve. He's
the only one of us as perfect attendance. Other than no,
I'm not I wasn't technically there for the picnic. Oh,
I mean, I mean you showed up a little bit
in and out. Yeah, you know, I showed up. But
you know you do have perfect attendances everything. Yeah, okay,

well I'll make sure you get the first step and
everything is showing up. So what we learn elementary school?
If necessarily hit me with this, so I'm sorry, I forgot.
Forgive me, y'all school Anyway, Today, I love this show already.

Today we got singer song right the producer Los Angeles
still Los Angeles names correct? Okay, is everything fine? You know?
Because I think, I mean, there's a big fire going on, right,
And what I'm saying is some of the homies have
had to evacuate. But um, are you? Are you fine
at the moment? Yeah, I'm fine? Good? Yeah, okay good.

Just one of the uh the lineage Royalty. We have
a Todd Dollason in the house today. He's going to
talk about his life journey for making on the ground
mix tapes to singing over some of the notable producers
that we all love on this show. Uh, Matt Lib
black Milk still it even uh even with Sura I
creative partners one of mine faith. Oh my god, it's

almost ten years and really that's almost half old school
when something's not this is a classic. Now, yeah, I
guess fifteen years of old school, you know, I know
the way music moves now like five years of damn
in old school. Mean it's you probably got to ask
the youngest one in the room about that. What'd you say, Todd?
What's also the way the way my little homies just

talking three years is also that sounds about anyway you
like you're you're the o G homie. Uh And and
right now he's here and promoting his latest effort, Beach
House three, and uh, we like to welcome toy Dollards
in the quest of man. Happy to be here, happy

to being all of your presents Coming're happy to happy.
We're happy to happy for sure. So yeah, Beach House
three is out. Um one of my favorite projects up
to date. Um, I got John Mary on my project. Man,
that's like a big life goal for me, one of
my favorite musicians out there, you know. And uh, my
next project, I'm gonna have quest love you feel me

putting up absolutely why not? You won't have to put
it out? It was work I'm down. We only worked one. Well,
you came on the show once. Uh I think, yeah,
you came through. That was the first time he being
on National TV on foul remember my first time also
be together. Yeah, man, we're addicting the word time to

get in that lab though. So you're all right, So
you were born in Los Angeles. I was born in
Los Angeles, raised in Los Angeles. I'm not like like
when people come to l A and they have like
bad things to say about l A. I feel like,
you know what y'all have been like on the other
side of Wiltshire, like meaning Hollywood and like, you know,

like where all the out of towners be at. Like
I'm talking about the other side of Wilshire, like the
real l A. That's where I'm from, you know, um Inglewoods,
south Central like Midtown like Inglewood, like Compton, like Long Beach.
Like So what do you what would you consider Pasadena? Altadena?

That's like, that's that's I mean, there's some homies from
over there too. You know. You gotta you gotta a
Pasadena guy in the in the booth right now, my
security Brown, I'm quasi Pasadena. Yeah, probably did like two
or three years and as a kid, well I was
also three, So it's not much, I think. No, So

it's if I don't know, like I'm one of these
people that you know, because I'm in the industry and
I have a lot of industry peeps. I will say
that I think it's almost by default or fashionable for
people to sort of disavow or disassociate themselves from l A.

But for me, like I mean, whatever side you're on,
either the hood side or the Hollywood side or whatever,
there's always this thing of like, you know, l A
is not real, it's superficial, it's fake. And but you know,
I'll say for myself, l A is like probably one
of four places that I still get excited to go to.

You know, like now that I live in New York,
it's like I live here, so that the mysteries going up.
I'm coming to New York. That used to be a
thing coming from Philly. But for me, I've always loved
everything about going to l A and never understood people
that were sort of like whatever, But yeah, it depends
on where you're from. That's what the song that you

did about l A that was like the perfect way
to describe it. Like the feeling like everything. But I
think a lot of East Coast people sometimes they come
to l A feeling and sometimes because it moves slower,
it's the opposite. It's kind of like the opposite more
laid back. Like one thing I wanted to ask you
is I was talking Um. This has been a couple
of weeks ago. I was talking to Terace Martin and
he was like, Yo, man, you gotta come to l A.

You gotta come out here, Like the error is different
out here. That was exact quote. He's like, Yo, the
errors just different out here. You need to come and
let's get in. Like creative always going to give you
one of them famous you know, terrorists quotes, legendary quote. Yo, man,
that was his is different. So like creatively, what is
it for for you? I mean for me, Um, it's there,

Like you said, it's just like when I'm here, it's
one vibe. Actually, when I made that song l A,
it was here me and kids would we both did
our versus out here. But when you're out there, it's
definitely like a a different vibe that you get. Beach
makes a difference too, for sure. For sure, even though

all the studios that ain't nowhere near the beach. So
what are your views on New York? Like when as
an l A native, when you're traveling to New York
or whatever, do you it's the same exact feeling that
you you said. I think, like I'm excited. I can't
wait to get out there and just touch the city
and you know the energy. Seven oh eight, I was here,

me and my boy Parker, and um, you know, I
was like in the studios trying to, you know, see
who I could get a beat placed on. At that time,
I was just doing a lot of beats, and I
sunk and all that. But I wasn't like it was
more so like focused focusing on beats and all that,
and um, that didn't work out. So I end up

going back to l A. I mean why she linked up.
We made two it and booted and then you know everything.
So I guess you should be noted that your father,
uh it's a member of Lake Side and like just
growing up in that he was Was he a original
member in the group. He wasn't original member. He came later.

When was this spirit um all through the eighties, nineties,
two thousands so around, Like I guess when outrageous was
tour with him. So were your backstage kids as far
as like, yeah, for sure, backstage kids, studio kids. Um,

just just all that period, Like what were you seeing
that in your formative young years coming young years coming up?
Just you know, Pops his homies Earth whenning fire, um
Shallamar all the people from back then, remember them all like, um,

you know they would come to the house sometimes when
they would throw parties whatever, Um studios. You know. I
remember like when when my homies around me started you know,
smoking weed or whatever. I remembered that smell for when
I was young. I'm like I always thought it was

cigarettes because I would see the little roaches, but like
it wasn't. Yeah, So out of that, Um, did you
even as a young as in your young years, like
did you have any desires to get into music where
you just observed like I was just observing really, but

like hearing like them figure out songs and like, uh,
you know, writing songs together and then me going and
touching the piano or touching the guitar and being being
able to like play that same melody that I just
heard by ear. That was like the start and once
I figured that out, then my pops uh and to
buy me an NPC, and then from there I gotta

in Sonic TS ten and I learned how to MIDI
and then I learned the the eight ats and all that.
How were you when you started ten? I was gonna say,
that's a little unusual, Like, yeah, I just wanted to
drum set. I didn't want a damn studio quick. Look,
I always wanted the drum set. But they never would

buy me the drum set. I guess because it was
made too much my mom's excuse. So you know, I
wanted to be you bro, Did you play right? Yeah?
I played drums, but like not like him. But I
played drums though, So that's actually smart for parents to
buy kids NPCs instead of drum kids heavy headphons and stuff.

Keep it real quiet in the house. See, my parents
bought me a drum, said because they wanted to know
I was mby basement. Yes exactly. Like I met this
other kid writer. His name was Troy, and his dad
was and her brothers Johnson. He knew how to make
beats George Johnson. Yeah. Yeah, so Troy taught me like

what to do? You know what I mean? From like
young and then after that it just we went off
so growing up like because we these are people that
we idolized, Like is this I mean everyone always says
like you're just dad to me, You're not like like
did you really eyes that your your particular situation was

just a little bit different man your peers around the
way or did that not face you at all? I
mean it's great like everything, Like how do your friends,
I'm sorry, how do you how do your friends at
least in that in that time of your life, how
do they accept your existence? Like because you're experiencing things

that they don't. You get to meet. Yeah, like people
like you know, friends from the neighborhood would think it
was like cool and all that, but like really I
used to want to keep it separate so people wouldn't
like uh. I think it's kind of like when my
daughter goes through Now, um, if I if I go
to her school and she doesn't want me to like

get out and you know, come get her like that,
because everybody would be like now so like that it's crazy,
so you know what I mean. And she's in middle school,
so if I get out, then all the kids will
come running like, oh, let me get a picture of
Top Dollar signed out of and then she doesn't get

to like, you know, being school. So I never wanted
people to you know, know about that really are like,
you know, be around me for that. So that's how
that was. You know what I'm saying, Well, what kind
of car are you pawing up? Pawing up to the school?

I've been blessed. I'd like to take my I like
to take my my driver, Matt up there in the
suburban and uh not the suburban. It is pretty i
gotta give him respect, you know, shout out to that. Yeah,
you pull up in a fanom or some ship and
it's like you're looking for attention. But suburban, that's pretty standard.

Twelve year old daughter changes everything, not even just like
that whole aspect. I'm just thinking it's just having the
door to being Top Dollar signed. It's like sting, you
know what I'm saying, Like listening and over the last
two years, like then it started getting real like after ten,
like where it's like, okay, she's got the phone. I'm like,

play your music, play whatever you want to play, just hopping,
play put whatever you're listening to one and like I
can tell she's like, yeah, she's getting there. So I'm like, wow,
I like that song you put out that. I like
that new song. I like that. Okay, okay. Three came
and was like, all right, I'm not gonna like yeah

in the studio you have yeah snapchat. Oh she has
a Snapchat Okay, so I gotta like, you know, she
doesn't have an inst to yet. So I got like, how,
I don't know how much more time I got you guys,
You guys will be saying much more dad my biotide

out radioed. So like, as a kid, it's gonna get better, though,
I promise you all I would better. One thing I
want to ask you as a kid, So, it was
your pops. He was he played, he was played with Lakeside,
it's your mom. Did she have any musical talent? She
doesn't do music at all? And then um, of course

after Pops and Mom's broke up, she didn't want me
to do music, Graham, Pops didn't want me to do music.
Nobody from that side was like a fan of the music.
So you know, when when life started to happen more
and I started to feel like, you know, I know everything,
and you know I could do everything, on my own.
You know, I was like in the back of my

grandmother's career with my dad's side, you know, working and
shout out to her because her birthday is coming up
this weekend, and you know, everybody in the family's text
to me. And I even go on Instagram Live earlier
and one of my cousin gets on there like, yo,
are you coming this week? Like what? Like, it's my
grandmama birthday? You already know I'm gonna be there, like
the whole family going. She's about to be ninety two.

So you're still close to your family? Hell yeah, man,
is it slightly different? Though it's slightly different for sure, like, um,
you know with certain people, but like the real ones,
like the immediate family is always regular, good new cousins
Like but could cousins getting on you? Yeah, that's you know,

like how how do you how how do you adjust
to that? Because that's one of the I feel like
that's one of the hardest transitions that one can go
through when you're like an isolated situation and you get
meteoric success. Yeah, it's like our six it's our thing. Yeah,
I've learned with like all um issues, I like just

if I really really, you know, mess with you. I'll
give you a couple of explanations if it takes that
many times, and then I'll just go quiet for a
minute and let you figure it out yourself. And it
seems that it's been working pretty well. People like end
up figuring it out, you know, if it's meant to be.

I had to sorry, like I just got this right. Sorry,
Hey did your mother? When did she turn the cheek
and go, you know what's on? You may have something
with this um when you know, I came back at
her and right know, she's always like supported me and

she just wanted me to figure it out. But it
was definitely that time where she was like, yo, so
you know your videos out, your songs on the radio,
but where's the money? That's not my mom? Yeah, I
just had to nah, but you know, um, she was

just asking where it is. She just always cares for sure,
she wants to see make sure I'm on the right path.
And I wasted my time. So I figured it out
and it just took you know, consistency, and we made
it happen. What was the how did you and Corey
link up? Corey? Um? Me and Corey linked up through

this random dude that I met at the Guitar Center
name etcetera and etcetera heard me playing bass and he
was like, yo, I made music too. I got some
I want to play you and we went outside and
it was like some rap music and it was dope.
He was from New York and and I told him

I would come out here because I met somebody online
that I was gonna sell a B two at the time,
and I end up coming out here. I linked up
with him and when I went to his crib, it
was in bed Styde and Corey was in the living
room and he was making music, um on the laptop
or whatever at the time, the desktop at the time,

and he sounded like Raphael Sadik a little bit like
I had a little vibe to him, and I'm like, oh,
that's kind of crazy. Let's make a song. We end
up making like three songs that same day right there.
And then um we met back up at the Sundance
Film Festival in Utah because I was like doing some
music for some little film at the time, and um,

we end up linking up at this dude Parker's crib,
which Parker became my best friend and he still lives
with me right now. And it's crazy, but uh, me
and Corey end up making like a whole little project
in a week at this dude Parker's crib and it
was called Rong Banging One and we made Wrong Banging too,

and end up linking with Who I Am and timber
Lake and made a little situation and met all these
different people. And that's all that did. And then I
end up going back to l A. That's at the
time when I was living in New York too. Then
I end up going back in l A and um,

you know, end up going back to my hood just
you know, making beats and you know, making songs for
homies around the neighborhood. And my big homie from my hood.
I was like, yeo, I'm managing this. This new little dude,
I think you should mess with him. He got confident
on lock and all that. I'm like, all right, So
I listened to it and it's just like jerk music

and it's like, I don't know, bro, Like that's not
what I'm on like, but he's like, bro, I promise you.
He brings them to the house and I make this
beat and instituted and Booty Beat and um I had
sampled us the group called the I can't think of

it right now. Um, I just sampled this record. My
homie Corps just pulled it out and like I sampled
it and did the little drums, and he came in,
I mean my other cousin tcot hundred little TC that's
out there him and Nana was like, make a song
called too did the Buddha. I'm like, what does that mean?
They like hit it and go. I'm like, all right,

So I just come up with the hook and uh,
y G does his verse, TC does his verse. We
make a video with the homie uh, um James right
nah by James falling Roy Uh my other homie James
and right now James is like an actor and all that,

but at that at the time, like he was shooting
videos and all that and uh like on this old
cheap camera. So we went to Doc Waller Beach shot
the video. It came out tye dollar sign feature on
y G and TC four hunt Booty. Next thing you know,
there was a million view was up there like in
a month, and then Depth Jam starts calling and they're like, yo,

we want to sign y G. I'm like, all right,
let's get it. Like however however is supposed to come? Like,
let's get it. And of course they wanted to the
boodh is the single and I'm like, cool, so we're
gonna do a reshoot of the video. Right, it's with
Colin Tilly who came calling from depth jam. Do you

know Max Coops? Yeah, shout out to Max. So this dude, Colin,
Colin Tilly is shooting the videos like his first video,
like right before he got huge. He's like one of
the biggest directors out there now, right, And the video
drops and it says y G two and booted I

am in the video, but it says nothing about Tyde
dollar sign. Right, so I'm like, all right, like it's
time to keep on. That's when my mom's that like everywhere,
like where's the money? Next thing? You know? Um? Um
the guy who I produced with a lot, his name
is Jakas, So he ends up getting killed and um

when he got killed, that like made me just like
not even want to do beach no more. I was
just discouraged from life, Like I felt like why him
out of everybody was like one of the best people
I know On Earth, so, um, you know why she's
doing shows and he's having me come through and um,
we started like making money. So he's getting ten thousand

to come perform at little you know, little clubs in
l A. He'll give me four hundred dollars coming to
do the hook, he'll get j Muster doesn't do beats
at this time either, and you knew Muster pre beats. Yeah,
he was just like the DJ from you know, like
the little homie that DJ. His uncle DJ T was

the one who was DJ and during our high school period,
like you know when I went to Dorsey for a second.
And it's crazy because now like you know, his his
nephew's DJ and or whatever. So we have him and
you know, Chakaso gets killed. Um they need somebody because
like now def jam sign y G and I'm not

trying to do the beats no more. And Mustard comes
to and he's like, yo, let me get some sounds,
like because he's watching me the whole time and I'm
not even like paying attention that he's watching, but uh
yeah he I give him the sounds and he's linked
up with this other dude, Mike Free, and he knows
how to work reason. So he's teaching Mustard how to
work reason, and you know, next thing, you know, Mustard

pulls up on me on the brid and twenty one
like a month later, like I'm about to pass you
up on these beats. I'm like, yeah, all right, I
just got married it on that Like I'm thinking, like
in my head, because I've only talked to Mustard once,
but in my head, I'm thinking, like it's just like
Dexter in the lab, like some science lab, like he's

going to revolutionize and and all this stuff, and you're
just like you just picked it up one day and yeah,
like seriously though, like I gave him these sounds and
then he made Rack City, and after Rack City it
was like chains, I'm different and it was like whole
tape and like so those are all your patches. Yeah, man,

my brother made millions off of it. And with the
stars on the Cylin shout out to Mustard. Man, it
was so good to just see like somebody like go
from the guy that's like joking about moms and you know,
shooting dice and just being like a young asshole and
to turn it into like, you know, a super millionaire

and like mustard y g all of all of us,
like we all just like you know, it's just like
where my mom's crib and making songs in that back room.
And then all of a sudden, like we're all like
we all got our own dribs. You know what we
got to say? What was your weapon of choice in
terms of production MP and uh I ended up getting
all the keyboards, um bogs to uh two thousand ext

shale Yeah. Um, yeah, that's when you got in this.
People still make fun of me for not like and
go of that, but I love it. I love it,
and um, I still use it? You still Yeah, but
hang on, James Poison hear that it's still usable anyway.

And um what else fruity loops? I like fruity loops now, Um,
you still use fruity whips? Yeah? Sometimes, like if I'm
on the plane and I just have my laptop and
I feel like making music and not watching the movie,
which I'm not like a TV movie watch a guy
like that, unless I'm like, you gotta be productive? Yeah productive? Wait,

so has okay for gooding my ignorance. I would assume
that fruity Loops has updated since the Day is of
little brother, right, I think so the last time ninth, Oh,
thank you so much. I appreciated. Yeah, ninth he sent
me a back. I mean, this has been god. This
was like twenty fourteen. He had went back on fruity

loops just for a while. Ninfe was using the MP.
He left and he went back, he went to the MP.
Then he went back to fruity loops. And so he
had sent me a fruit some fruit loops batch. And
now I think he's uh, strictly on machine. That machine
is kind of like what everybody is. I mean, that's
the thing now, which is kind of it emulates the

MP a lot, but that's what I think. That's what
he's on now. But I think, yeah, the interface has
updated a lot oh too when we were doing it
on a compact, I hope it shouldn't upgrades. And then
so you so and and making beats. Who were you

looking up to when you were well? First of all,
I was looking out to Dila, I was looking up
to Mad Live East Swift from the Alcoholist. I was
looking looking up to black Milk Um, Dr Dre, Dad's
Dillinger Um. There's so many people, man, did you ever

get to meet any of people you idolized to get
damn near all of them except for mad That. I
talked to him on the phone and we were supposed
to link and then the day came and then he
didn't answer. That's cool now he just he just he goes.
I want to work with him one day, and like,

he's probably one of my favorite ever. Um who well,
like yeah, everybody, I've been meeting him and it's been
a blessing. You are a real head to the bone. Yeah, yeah,
I like all kinds of music though for sure, Like
you know, um, I mean, what's your childhood record collection

look like compared to now, which is more playlist based?
But yeah, everything I said, plus like you know, the
singing is the singing and stuff as well. Um, one
of my favorite singers ever Stokely from Man Condition Still.
I like a lot of gospel. I like Kim Burrell.

That's my my my favorite female singer ever. Right, I
played in church. I played bass, and like I was
learning watching everybody, what was that that you did? Like
on the keys? What was what was that chord on
the orger? Okay, then watching the choir director and how

they like you know, come up with these harmonies and
give them to people and like that's how I like
I do my harmonies when I'm singing, And um, yeah,
I think that's really an underrated part about you. I
really did give vocal arrange, right, she is dope. So
I definitely studied like everywhere I went and picked up
something and all your music like yourself taught like you

never took formal lessons on any of the instruments. No,
and not really. I did take like a class in
the ninth grade, like just piano, and it really to
me it was just like, Okay, now I know how
to read a little bit, but I can figure it
out anyway, so it's not gonna Really I love your
answer When I asked Tid what instrument? How many instruments

does he play? He was like, well, if it has strings,
and you know, you can play it with some sticks.
And what was the other one? You said, I'm hitting
it exactly. Did you guys ever get to me because
I know he's like one of your shook his hair
one time at a party late night in l A
And then um, one time I went to the Saturday

Night Live after party with you, and all of a sudden,
Prince hopped. You were DJ and that night and all
of a sudden, Princes hopped on stage and um, Taylor
Swift right, what not? Taylor, I'm trying to who was it? Yikes,
I'm trying to. I'm now it was a lot of

Prince parties. I know, I know, I know, I know.
Oh at the forty at the forty, yeah, is that okay? No,
No Saturday Night Live, because in my mind I was like,
oh God, he thinks I'm someone else, and I was like,

wait a minute, this does sound familiar. No. Saturday Night
Live had their forty of anniversary, and that's why you
know it's weird because the freaking NBA All Star Game
was the same day. So I planned on going to
the Saturday Night Live forty anniversary special, but I also
at the DJ the NBA All Star thing at New York,

so I did, like, up until halftime, I did DJ
something and then run to thirty Rocks. So I totally
missed the fact that Kanye was the musical guests at
uh SNL forty. What he was on his back? What
I forgot what song he performed? Was it? Well, yeah,
he laid on his back. It was like something. Yeah,
he did something where he laid on the ground. Okay, yeah,

I came in like right when I was getting getting done,
but I totally forgot that. Yeah, that was my only
time ever getting to see him performed. But he just
got on. I think it was that random or was
that planned? Oh? That was super random, like everything that
happened at night. I didn't even know that he was that. Yeah, okay,
people just ghost in and ghost out, but no, none,

none of it was planned. And yeah, that that night
was super magical, like Prince. Basically, Jimmy just said I
think Dave Dave Chappelle whispered in Jimmy's are, like, I
think I just saw Prince walked in and it was
just like I think he just walked in and they
willed it and then Prince like floated to the stage.

He just floated to the stage. He did Let's Go
Crazy for ten minutes and then uh floated out of
there just as quick as he came in. Yeah, how
did you um the connection with Sarah come about? Because
the other because the end of Joint like that's I mean,

I love that record. I appreciate it. So chords my homie.
He was like he played it for me one day
and then I ended up meeting them through Steve Thundercat
and uh, we just went over to the Saura house
that was like up in Silver Lake and we just

vibed and we just kept on making me like song
after song after song me shot feet tas oh mas
and they end up using those two and as many. Um,
those are just the big homies. Man. They just taught
me a lot, you know what I mean. They took
me on my first Europe run. That was how I
first met ya. Um was that where they took the

pick up Paris? Yeah, and um, that's crazy man. There
be any situations that make you go I mean, even
though you were born into you know, musical royalty, at
some point you gotta look around and go whoa, Yeah,
it's crazy. Yeah. The thing I noticed about your journey,

like before you you say that you were mainly focused
on making beats. When did it become clear to you
that you're singing really was the thing. I guess that
was gonna take you off the top. I just had
to get confident in it. Uh, that one situation to
get back to it. When y g Uh got his

first like ten bands and gave me four and gave
Monthly four and I saw him walk away with the
rest of that money. It did something to me, you know,
I felt like, all right, it's time to like get
out here and like figure it out and do my
own artist thing. So I put out The House on
the Hill, which was my first solo tape, and that

had this song called All Star Wars. My homie Fuego
had sampled Swedish House Mafia and we flipped it on
some like l a like drums and you know, tempo
or whatever, and I did a straight smash to it
and it took off, like on the radio stations, like
from you know, the whole California, Arizona, moving on to Texas.

And then he got shut down. We got sued um
for putting it on iTunes without clearing it with Swedish
House Mafia, which I thought it was clear, but somebody lied,
And you know, I was gonna say, how are you
able to move mixtape stuff to mainstream radio level? Because
I already had two the booted and already had thought

this time, already had all the DJ's Now because from
two and Booted Um, I'm performing at all the any
of it. We're there, like we're just pulling up everybody.
Who's your who's your good? Like when when when you
when you got a new jowin that you're ready to
put out. I mean, now it's different because you're an

established you know, who's who was the first person for
l A? Like wh who always tell everyone? Like who
changed it for us? And like who gave us another chance?
Because when you look at it, like after the game,
there was no l A. You know what I'm saying
on radio period, So um, DJ Charisma my home girl

out there, she is the one like who got like
everybody's music played. I feel like, um, shout out to
everybody else, but definitely DJ. So that's important to you
for l A. Just still have an identity, to still
have a sound, to still have a figurehead representing because

you know between at least for my prime era where
it was dangerous, between no, it was life third and
you know it's like East coast, West coast, you know,
and then suddenly you know, after after two thousand, to
just stop being so regional, and I know that the
game's arrival. Yeah, the the Internet made everything regional or

not regional anymore, and so you know, I know That's
why the game was really being celebrated because it's just like, Okay,
we're still you know, but for the generation that you represent,
even though you're kind of more like heart wise because
you came in so young, you're you're ahead on our level,

but you also represent in the next generation millennials or whatnot,
Like is that still an important thing to to to have?
Like yeah, I think it's important to be yourself wherever
you're from and to definitely represent you're sound and your

people and like, no, we're not all the same just
because the Internet is Like no, like I ain't trying
to hear that, Like if you come from New York,
you're supposed to sound like you're from New York, Like
why would you sound like you from because we have
the Internet? Or Atlanta is in the streets. I was
happy ship because at least for when you came out,

I was shocked that, I mean, you're your your first
major single was like nine beats per minute, which as
a deep you know, just during the period between like
two thousand six and kind of now, uh you know,
everything was you know, trap level seventy b pre pms

and slower, and so I felt like Okay, you're defiantly
going against what mainstream expectations are and you're keeping it
at that level. I mean, I'm just at a place
where it's like kind of jams like it like you
get two steps to it. It was it was actually danceable,

you know what I mean. Um, that's always been you know,
I guess like when you think about the l A sound,
it would be Dr dre Quick, you know when you
think back back then and now for us, you know,
we had to like when you're in there when you
go to these l A parties, when you go to
these like I would say one of the things that

runs the cultures still to this day has always been
timely to clown, right and tim me to clown is
like this guy that comes through with like this uh
you know van or whatever and has speakers on it
and these clowns get out in their clown dances like
everybody's music. Yeah. Still when they start started when I

was a kid, like, there's always been telling me the
clowns going to the wrong parties out there. Yeah, and
then that that that ended up going into the what
do you call that? The crumping and like they had
a movie forward and rise. Yeah, and if you pay attention,
like they just speed up everything and like that's the

l A sound. And then like even like the Bay,
like their sound is the same thing, like sped up.
Like so that's where we come from. You there's that
music too, you know. But it must make you proud
R and B wise, because it feels like the West
Coast are really taking chances with R and B. Between
you Anderson, you mentioned Thundercat, Like do you feel that

do you feel like R and being sold music that
y'all are kind of doing things a little differently over
there and it's working. I feel like we're all doing
different things. Anderson is a movie. Shout out to brother.
I'm so proud of like him and everything that he's doing.
That he's sticking to his stuff. Imano MARII, Yeah, that's
that's my bro. He's sticking to his stuff and like

killing it. Um so many people man, So as far
as Miguel shout out to Miguel, the album is a movie,
so how okay? So for the title R and B,
which today is so blurred, I mean because you know, now,
even when Chris Brown is in the news and depends

on which news wire is reporting rap star Chris Brown. Yeah,
I don't see rapper Chris Brown pop star the next
game last night to put rapper ty dollas on the screen, Well,
that's what I was gonna ask, Like, how because I
just feel that black culture has just gotten sort of
defaulted into rap culture. Everybody's Raptor do you feel as though,

even though I mean, your music is as edgy as
you know it's it's so immersed in hip hop, but
you're clearly singer, Like, do you still feel like you
need to hold that flag for R and B or
what it represents or is it just like, Um, I

feel like there's real rappers out here and like they
deserve to be like called rappers, not me. You know
what I'm saying, I don't even deserve to be in
that conversation. Um, I sing for so for show and
I would love if people would just recognize that. But
my boy, Rosenborg Rosenberg, he told me, he was like, Yo,

your name is like kind of rapping bro. I'm really
hard guy. And if you just take a picture and
you're like, oh, R and B do no, you could
be he could be. You could be the way Wigs
two point over yeah, I was. I was coming out

of the smoke shop the other day. I'm just like
old bald white dude, like he's bringing the boxes off
of a truck and the trucks are like, let's juice.
I'm like, yo, what's in there? Because it says sangria,
but it looks like a kid's drink. He was like, no,
it is a kid's drink. It's just that's the company.
I'm like, all right. He was like, you know what
you look like? You look like that star like them

guys from the eighties. They were singing that song that
they weren't really singing, and he was talking about that
they were singers, right, So I looked, ye, look like

they were pioneers. They actually put out another if we're
really gonna they were finding Milli Vanilli would go off
without a hitch today, like it would be they died
for us and every man. That was It's funny because
I was gonna ask TIGS, since everybody's doing the nineties thing,
is it certain groups that you just don't touch? I

was thinking Millie Vannilly was one of those, Like musically,
since people are borrowing so much and you know you
do weeting with Jack because like I think my old manager,
Kevin Allows, he wrote that song for them. Yeah, we
had him on the show. He told us that whole
story is like he was like girl and the ship

was on TV and the video came. He was in bed. Yeah, man, yeah,
so you like following up with here saying about the nineties.
So on the UM, I'm I'm tripping. I can't remember
to tire, but that's the one you sample only you.
Oh yeah, my new song X feature yeah only buy

one to um. It was funny Bongo and hit maker.
They they sent me this song and uh, the beat
it sounded like it sounded like Mustard did it. You
know what I mean. I'm like, bro, if I want
to miss it, I was gonna say, wait, all right,

I'm so glad you said that because when I first
got it, I was waiting for his tag, right because
usually when I DJ, like when I DJ and I
always go like two counts before and I sit on
the beat hole and I was looking. I spent at
least three minutes looking for the tag like maybe I
missed it, maybe I missed it. And then it just
hit me, oh maybe he didn't do it. Man. So

I'm like, you know, if I want a musch to beat,
I go get a mustard beat, Like I don't want it.
But then I end up, you know, according to it,
and I started loving it. And then I'm like, all right,
just take off the muster drums, bro, like, let's just
bring back the original joint, you know joint. And yeah,
I'm curious about how because it's someone that grew up

in the nineties. I always thought of the nineties as
an error where it's almost kind of like you had
to be there, you know what I mean. Like I
just like knew Jack swing. As much as I loved it,
I didn't think it translated into now, like you know
what I mean. It's just like versus like the seventies
when cats were sampling seventies ship, I got it, When
cats were sampling eighty ship, I got that, But the
nineties just seemed like the most unlikely error to be sampled.

But yeah, but like y'all, like it's kind of hard
to like sample because the swing that's when they was
using that weird as like you said to Jack, it's
like the little corny baseline exactly, So like that is
not gonna work right now, I don't think, but the
hook melodies and like, you know, so that's what is

drawing people. Okay, Okay, I got it now, Yeah, because
I heard you. I mean I was this to it
and I was like, he's singing over only you. But
I'm like, man, like that's I never would have thought
that that could be reappropriated into now. But I mean,
the ship is dope. Though somebody will figure it out.

I still appreciate the didn't I think I think I've
read um At one point, I didn't realize this that
were you not almost gonna sign? Which he sounds uh?
At the time, I think Dominique Trunier had a label

um he used to manage D'Angelo or someone associated with
Venus Brown. Was he was part of that label or whatever?
Like were you not? At one point? And okay, then
there was a rumor. Yeah, yeah, I was curious to know. So,
I mean, because you kind of cover a lot of
ground in genres, So how did you decide on Well,

first of all, how did you and Wis link up?
And how did you decide on the label? Um that
could say Okay, this kid does this, he does this,
he does this, he does this, and they were like, Okay,
we can figure out how to market this because I
mean you can do R and B. You can't do it,
probably can do like House or whatever. And for a
lot of labels, whereas as a music fan, for us

that's like Wonderland, but for a label that she can
be a kiss of Death because they're like, what then
do we do with all this? So after after the
House of the Hill, Uh, I go to Depth jaff
dr Jeff jam right and at the time it's uh,
Karen Quak, I think Max s cous just left, says

Karen Quak. And there's Chris and the coops here right,
and um, I played in my record and Beach House
right right before I drop it the first one. Yeah,
I mean House on the Hill before I drop it.
And they're like, Yo, it's incredible, it's dope. You've got
some crazy songs. But it's like, Yo, you got a

house record here, you got, you know this, you know
slow song, you got this, l a song here you
got It's like you've got so many things. Bring me
back a project that's just like cohesive, like one thing,
you know. So I go and make Beach House one.
But when I make Beach House one. I, Um, I

get cool with this dude, Sean Barron and Atlantic and
there's this one song that I didn't include on Beach
House one and it was called Fumble, and I end
up giving this songs and since that song went and
they end up making a single, ended up going up.
Atlantic was like, all right, you know, let's talk. So

then I have paranoid and you know or not and
everything like crazy Beach House one, Beach House too, Okay,
So Beach House one Whiz calls, he d ms me
on the Twitter and he's like Manti Alredy met him
through Terry Smarten during the after the time core of days,
but back to making beats trying to figure it out. Um.

He hits me on the d M on Twitter and
he's like, Yo, we've been playing Beach House one on
this tour, the whole tour of me and the guys.
When I get back to Ellie, let's work. He ends
up coming back and we make like eleven songs and
one night and uh hours, yeah, like less than twenty
four hours. How do you work that tax? Because like

literally literally like if you have like a pack right
now on your laptop and we put on the mic.
I'm gonna just lay hook after hook after hook after
hook after hook after hook after hook after then we're
gonna come back. I'm gonna see which one is worthy
of a you know verse, you know, and then so
that's your songwriting process, Like you listen to the beat

and then you'll concentrate on what the hook is, first
hook or verse like whatever just comes out, like just
put it on. I'm going there and just you know,
blaze up and figure it out. And then some are great,
some are good and worthy of like selling to a feature,
and some are all give me, so give me an
example for song like Paranoid. Yeah, you're first here in

the beat and you're just add alive, Mike, honest, Paranoid.
That was like, uh, the third song I made on
that beat. I knew that beat was so hard and
like certain times you'll make a song that's just like whatever,
but you feel like that beat is so crazy that
I need to give it another, you know, another swing.
And then I was like the third one I did

on that and uh, I just knew it. It felt
like the bat felt epic enough that you have to
put yeah, and when I when then when that hook came.
It reminds me of when I was a kid and
I first heard like Poison by BBB. I felt like
I tapped into the this is hard, but I'm singing,

you know what I'm saying. Like it didn't feel R
and B. It didn't feel like you had to feel
like how when you say you look at me and
it's like, yo, you look this way, but you're supposed
to be R and B. Like I felt like, yeah,
I can look like this. It's still singing like be me.
I see whatever. You want to be black man? So

how long will you let the how many minutes or
days or whatever? Will you let h time go by
before you're just like it's not coming to me. Let
me go to the next track and then uh, as
soon as it's just as soon as it's not coming,
then I go to the next track. That doesn't mean
it's like not a good track, just not right at

that second. I just wasn't meant to be. That's what
I felt, like, what are we doing with the order?
I just had? I have such a horses in the
stable question, horses in the Okay, that's a title. I'm
a little what you mean the song okay? Okay, yeah,
the sight of the I know, sometimes because get mad,

we we break the lineage. I know, if he was
going beach House, gonna keep going. But because I was
thinking at a random thought about horses in the stable
and coming up with that, and I was thinking to
myself on the back of the twelve year old daughter conversation,
I was like, with horses in the stables, so what

I've recorded it still now, um the song is so great,
you know what. Um My home girl, Tish Himan, came
at the end of the album cycle of etc. And
she was like, I got this song. I wrote it
for you, and I think, like you should record it.
And I'm like, yo, tich, I'm done. That's her. That's

so yeah. I'm like I'm done, Like but like, let
me hear it. And she played it and it was
so hard that they're mixing in the other room and
I'm like, you know what, just give me a mic
in here, and I go on the vocal booth, set
up my laptop and like the little pro tools and
recorded it and like adding my own little thing to it.
And it was it. I'm like, I'm putting it on
the album, just like clear get it clear like however

and like they got it cleared and it's one of
my favorite songs. I think the people love it. But
guess what. I walk in the main meeting at Atlantic
to where it's like the three bosses are Um, Craig, Calmen,
Julie and Kayser. So, Julie, what is that you are?

You are you referring to women as hard as listen?
But I can't ride. But you can't you can't listen
to it again, It's not like as bad as you
think it is, like Um, shout out to Julie and
I you know, Dollar is not a misogynist. Dollar does
not hate women like I love women and like I

love my daughter. It's weird do you have a lot
of lashes with Julie. Julia's world famous for those for that,
you know. But it's a weird time though, right because
it's kind of like you're right, like especially now because
that independent women everything that's still like a good you
know in w a you know, don't matter, just don't
bite it or whatever. In my head, sorry, I wroll

fantolo like that's the right. Yeah, you've been someone for life.
That was that was my go to. It was all good, okay,
the world's biggest I think it's just like a but
you still things like our songs, like like just on
some you know. That's just how we'll be talking because

it's nothing that bad. It's just kind of bad. But
exactly what use is culture is kind of like but
a lot of people. Yeah, so that's cool though. I'm
happy for the next chapter, beach Out four. Right, yeah,
my sister man, please don't go holdtep on beach Outs

for please keep it Ratchett, you collaborated with Tish on
the stealing joint. I mentioned it in my vote call.
But um, how did you record that? Because the vocals
on it, it sounds like it was separate, yeah or what.
I don't know if it's separate. It sounds like you
were just in an open room and it is just
This is one studio on Burdbank called Wayman Sound. Don't

steal my studio anyway. I can't remember. You think I've
been at the studio. It's right there on Burbank. I
think I know what you're talking about. To get paid,
but like, um, it's a solo like one man studio.
Only one artist can be there in there at a

time because there's only one room. And I like that
because certain studios in l A like people's find out
you there because me, I don't even put my name
on the door anymore. It's just a private session, but
people will find out you're in there and just feel
entitled like that. Yeah, Like I hate that. So now
you know, I have to pay for a security guard

to be out there, which is boof Like I don't
have to spend that extra money for security standing on
you know, I'm not Michael nobody there, but I have
to because I like my privacy when I'm working so
I can get things done. You know what I'm saying.
And is that you're playing acoustic on that one? Um nah?
That was Titches homeboy who you know she originally made

that song with. And is that you on the U
or is that baby Face playing baby solid solid base
got you? I'll let h our audience know that. Uh,
I'm kind of considering I'm a tissue is definitely going

to play a major major role in this next one.
I mean we did we did uh, we did a
good I mean we had like a mammoth five day
like twenty four hour street just sleep over at Electric
Lady Studios, like sometime last year in which how many

songs are on our hearts? I have like at least
three hundred. Yeah, they're like a hundred full songs. I
just mean sketches or whatever, but another two sketches or something. Yeah,
so it's like three d total. But I mean tissue
is definitely going to you know, she will be a
major presence, great human being, great soul, all that can.

You mentioned him, but you kind of did it fast.
And we actually interviewed baby Face and I asked him
about doing a song with you because I just thought, WHOA,
I was surprised, not you know, just not si surprise,
but a pleasantly surprised um on your side. How do
you can you tell a story of that and where
you're scared? You just was like, I want baby Face,
And that's what it is, man, The story of time
baby Face is super legend. I came in. It was,

you know, already set up. He's there by himself, him
and his other boy, and then his other boy leaves
and we're chilling like he's just playing guitar riffs something
like that's dope, just freestyling and who else is in
there with me, I think my sister my sister at
the time or whatever. So uh no, Nate Nate mahomie
Nate Nate three D. So Nate's rolling up for me

and I'm just freestyling and ship. He passes me the
joint I lighted all was setting me and face was
just okay, that's the one. That's the one right there.
He starts, he starts to play solid and I started
coming up with the hook, and all of a sudden,
his boy walks in. He's like, face, don't want you
to smoke. He was like, you know, just come out

here and come out here. And I'm like, wait a minute,
I'm sitting here in the man's face and he'd just
saying nothing. So I'm like, how the fund did he
like like he had like telepathic powers or something, so
like his er with a bad sign and like called
him in there and he told me don't smoke. But
that was cool, you know, his face like all all respect.

I just like had a non smoking session and the
song came out cool, and he had nothing but great
thing to say about your interviews. Yeah, he's amazing, And
then like he shut up to the video in a
stretched limo what was this. Yeah, like thet now it
was like by the beach somewhere like offen Ventura County.

But like that was his only requirement, just send him,
you know, stressing him straight. And it was never any
thought to have him singing at all because I always
thought that was interesting too, Like I wanted them too,
but he felt like I think he did backgrounds on there.
He did, but he just wanted me to just do
my thing. He was like, Yo, that's it. And I
couldn't believe he was like loving my lines and he

recorded me and everything like like like trying to get
him the vocal produced me and making a big face song,
but he was just loving everything I did. So we
got back in to work on Beach House three. I
didn't end up using that song, but we're gonna get
back in again. I love working with him, he loves
working with me. How did the jacket Ass session? Going

about the uh jacket as straight up? I've known uh
jacket Ass through uh my me Pune, so she's from

every sitting on the somehow. It's crazy. Yeah. So, um,
once I got that song done, there was just like
one line that I had said about jacket Edge and
you know, I wanted them on the song, so I
called him just like to see if we can make
it happen. And next thing, you know, they sent it

back like all the kids was like, Daddy, you better.
I once read a friend of mine, she's an interviewed
a couple of times, Rebecca Heath Coach. She's right, l
A and um, I read the joint you did with her.
I guess it's maybe like a years ago, but you
were talking about how you understand your pops more now

that you have a daughter. Yeah, what's that journey been
like for you? Like your relationship with your dad and
your kids image Like say, if your parents break up
and mom's is always like talking down like you know
everything wrong about him, and it just makes you hate

him more and more and more and more and more.
And then I have a daughter, and then the difference
between me and her mother, like and everything she's saying
and I'm sure she's saying like all kind of crazy stuff,
but like, yet I've been able to hold a you know,
a cool relationship with my daughter. But just seeing that
I figured out like, oh okay, this is why I

was like, you know, listening to her, it wasn't really
like how it was between us. So that's why that's
why I said that. But I was wrong, and my
Pops definitely is the reason why I'm here today and
shout out to my Pops. I couldn't have done it
without you. What's your relationship like now? Um, we're great.

He's always you know, put me onto different things he's
into and I'm I'm putting them onto all the new
stuff and any questions about you know, his you know,
the old stuff, he can always be right there to answer.
Like the other day, I was looking for that tonight
is the night that Betty right and I couldn't figure

it out who was and call him like who's that
song with that? Uh? He's no, what is that singing?
I'm like, you know, want to be like, uh good,
oh Betty right? Like see, so Pops is always there
like for those moments and for you know, just being
a dad. On your records, you got um TC. So

just to clarify, we were speaking offline like before. So
Little TC that's your cousin that is with you now,
and then big TC that's your brother that's locked up.
He's on um, well, he's on he's on campaign and
he's on free he see as well, and that's him singing.
How so is he first? Is he your older brother?
Younger brother? Younger? He's younger? Did y'all I don't know

when he got like how did y'all ever clap when
he was out? Yeah? We uh always like just sung
around the house and like recorded songs together and like
just trying to you know, made groups. He would have
this thing. I would have my thing, and you know,
when my parents broke up, he went his way. I

went my way. And it's like, it's definitely important to
who you hang around, man, because I felt like if
he would have been hanging around the people I was
hanging around, and I would have hanged hanged around the
people he was hanging around, it might have been you know,
because he's I mean, I really like his voice and
y'all sound like brothers, Like he sounds like you. But

y'all it's dope, Like it's y'all sound like he might
be better than me. Man, shout out to bro um.
You know she is getting worse getting better. It's like
the people got a curse. Nobody say together, cut my
people down, killing off each other. No, ain't no Justice

for the brothers, nonse or something that he didn't do.
So with free TC if if if anything, you know,
we rose awareness for sure around the world for the
social injustice and everything that's going on. And like I said,
I took every bit of the money I made for

that project and put it back into his case. So
God willing, you know, we're gonna get some results real soon. Uh.
D Loc who was also featured on Free TC. He
was right next you know, he was with my brother
and he's out now, he's out here with us. I
started my label, the Movement, and I got d Loc,
I got TC, I got twenty four Hours, I got

Joe Moses, I got Tish and we are here. So
the um No Justice record was that? And the autobiography
is that? Like what happened with what were he's singing
and what you're singing? Yeah? Um, we definitely spoke up
on it. Yeah. I mean, I know you have to
be sensitive about what you can say, but I was

listening to it, I was like, hold up, do you
know do you need sound that they tell the truth.
It don't sound like just something a song, you know
what I mean. I'm like, it sounds real yeah, man,
it was crazy. Like once I feel like once they
get on you, they're just beyond you, and like they
don't want to look stupid for being on you still
figure out a way to like just make it solid,

you know, without it even being solid, and he got,
you know, put in the twist. But like I said,
we're working on it, and God willing, it's happy. I
swear we're working on it. And free TC went gold finally,
So shout out to team Donald and everybody that stream
didn't bought it and oh hopefully and purchase. We're gonna

free TC. Yeah. Yeah, that's the most important part running
running a team. Now. Actually, I want to I want
to bring this back to Sara because I'll say that
for me, one of the major, most major disappointments I've
ever had was watching their situation implode because for me,

I always felt as though, UH tribes, people people that move,
people that move together UH can get to their destination
faster than just individual artists. And if you look at
the history, especially with hip hop, tribes moved together in

other words, I mean Wu Tang clan, you have to
associate it with the individual artists. Math the Man Red
Man goes yea like all of them as individual artists
moving as a unit, and even for people that are
not part of a movement necessarily, like you look at
look at Puff Sarah. You might call the Jiggy era
or whatever, but you still think of Flossy Rappers, you

think of j you think of Puff, Foxy Kim like,
and they all moved together. Um, the same with Native Tongues,
which was groups of groups tribe. They lost so old
jungle brothers. And so when Sara, when Sara came along,
especially with them in their association with Jay davey um, yeah,

with Georgia and and all that stuff, I was like,
I was just listening to Georgia like all morning, She's
amazing man. Yeah, and it's like for me, I was
so elated because I was just like great, like someone
gets the whole like gathering of the tribes together and
and move it along. And then like, I mean, I

have my thoughts on why. I mean, I'm not you know,
like my fear was that because when I saw their approach,
I was like, yo, they're so fresh. But I also knew,
you know, like post j there's well swagg Well swagger
Jack and sort of became legal in terms of I

mean you can say swagger jack or whatever, but like
where you just drink someone's milkshake and you know they
fresh let me, let me see what they got going on,
and then you know what I'm saying. And for me,
I was like, and I told him, I said, yo,
just I want you all to concentrate. A lot of
people are gonna look at y'all like, yo, y'all the
new thing out. I want to be down. I wouldn't

be down. And I was like, just ignore it, get
to the goal post first and then start your your
associations and that. And then it's kind of when you
came along, I was afraid. I was like, oh man,
I'm afraid. And I called what happened. I call what happened,

and it's like they got excited and then a three
years and then yeah, i'man. I canna say the same
also with with with uh well, what would have been
the odd future movement and that whole thing. So watching
that situation implode, um, First of all, how did did
that affect you really? Or is it just like, uh well,

if that they weren't let me move on and you know,
start my own thing like how do you keep your
tribe and your family together and and working and active?
You see you like I've been too many tribes, man,
I've been too many tribes. I had to just keep
on working when other people like give up and feel like,

you know what, I put my all into this, I'm
not about to do it again. Like I still have
some more you know what I'm saying. So now I
found like the right tribe, like the right team, and
like that's that's important now because I mean your stuff, man,
like I want I was going to ask you was
just like with the time Corey stuff, with that situation

not working out, I know a lot of cats that
would have called it quits right then, like because y'all
were making some cool ship and a lot of times
the thing that I want people just I guess kind
of understand about your story, Like a big reason why
we want to get you on the show is because
I think like a lot of people don't really know it,
Like they just see you as like the hit maker
that where you are now, but they really don't know

your grind. And like I remember the first time I
played I played and if for like a friend of
mine and I'm like, yo, you know who that is? Right?
He's like I'm like, yo, that's top dogside. I'm like, no,
that's Todd. That was before he was who is. But
this has been a process, you know what I'm saying.
It's been a it's been a grind. It's really been

a grind. So how how did you not get discouraged to?
Because I I knew people now that even on their
fifth attempt at climbing mountain, they can't you know where
I funked up? Because like I put so much time
into like doing music and letting music and only care

about music that that's like what I knew how to do,
so that if I didn't do this, and it was
like all right, okay, I'm selling weed and I'm doing
all that, but like this doesn't really make me happy.
I really have to kick it around these weirdos like
like you know, so I just stuck to this. And
then once once why these things started taking off. That

was like so inspired and then like all right, I
don't want to make pizza anymore. J kaso diet. Then
most of started taking off, and that was so inspiring.
I was like, oh ship, we could do this. Like
it was time, and like I just came in at
the right time, and you know, so technically all right,

just treat me like a five year old with this question.
Uh was, yeah, I'm I'm no. But in my head,
like I thought that Mustard was starting a crest of
a new movement. But is he still rolling with the

original cast of characters that came in the door with him,
with y G, with you and anyone else that was
associated with all of his sonic assault of two thousand
thirteen coming in the door? Like, are you still gonna
work continue to Yeah? I think like the sonics is changing,
and like everything is. You know, Mustard got his whatever

he's doing, y G. You know he's got Fox Hunted
Mustards ten summers. I got the movement, and we come
together as full hundred summers the movement. Um, we're gonna
work hy G and Mustard working right now. Um, I
just said why some new music? When I was out

do buy Like two weeks ago, me and Neo linked
up and we just like made songs for a week.
We sit y something. So what's your creative presence? Like
do you write and record every day? Is it just
kind of when you like whenever I see something like this,
I get excited. Man, like the room, the people, everything,

Like it's like a couple of million dollars right here,
you know. Well besides that, he was like, oh man,
I could we look at it? Like man, right right again? Man,
you do most of your recordings still at the crib. Uh,
what's your set up? Home? Set up? Is? Uh? The

setups everywhere so down. Like I finally bought a drum
set and like I got it fully miked, and I
got a baby grand and it's fully miked. And um,
I've been buying a little drums from everywhere I go.
I just came back from Kenya about to bring something back. Um,
you're performing in king You're just can I tell y'all

the like Live Nation is really planning their feet in
the African market now. So like I'm wondering why they've
been so late. But it's cool late. Why they've been
so late on bringing me there, because I don't know
I had that many fans, Like it was like five
thousand people out there. It was just like initially, I mean,

there's always been a desire for artists to go over there,
but you would have to have a lot of money,
like there was a point where I think, like when
Miseducation was really popping, like Lauren and the Roots, We're
going to tour Africa like in whatever. But because there
wasn't a Live Nation, there's not a promoter there in

the government money. Yeah, there's a lot of funny money
over there. Something happened there, right, it was. It was
like a lot of scammage going on. Uh, let's just PC.
But if I could tell you like the sixth close

but no cigar moms we had with Africa. But then
like suddenly, like I guess like two thousand nine, like
all of a sudden, like Buster was constantly going to Africa.
I'm like, what you know that we don't know? And
suddenly like Live Nation has reps over there and that
come back. So now yeah, like Africa is now an
option for artists to go to now employing people, not

just buying people in the best energy ever continent. Have
you done South Africa yet? I haven't, Man, they wanted,
so I'll be out there soon, yall. Now you'll kill
it over that there. They love you were going to
um Legos and March different. You gotta you gotta go

and visit the shrine. If you if you go to Legos,
you gotta go to too fail out shrine. Like it's
still very active and still a musical spiritual experience, so familiar. Yeah,
I just want to hear you were what's your what's
your micro choice like at the crib, like what what
might you like to use? Obviously hunted? Yeah, my voice

is like hell a bottom heavy, so that brings the
brightness out. Um, but I have every mic. I got
the Norman's just in case whoever comes over. I'm a
gearhead for sure. Um. Then I got the old way
of protels where everybody feels like you need the full rack.
Then I have the laptop with the duet and of

course like what I like to record on the quick
way because you get the same you just take it
to the big studio and put whatever you want to
put on it, you know. Um that's about it. When
do you think you you mentioned earlier bas eight guitars acoustics. Yeah, damn,
we can't have fun man, all right, bro, I want

to buy roads next I don't have one. Yeah, I'm
buying the roles. That's that's so crazy because like you're
moving like all my homies. That are keyboard players. They
swear by like all the virtual entries like dog, I
just gotta chronos, I can. I wait, yeah, like they.
I was watching video with a frid Fred Gregg killing

games and he was playing it was some new virtual
joint and he says that's like his main thing now,
like it's the roads like they. What's so dope is
that the patches on these keyboards now are song titles.
I saw Story, but yesterday I'm still this is this

is four weeks after I did that. I g story,
Like the song titles are endless. Like I was only
in one uh what do you call one channel? I
didn't realize that it's letters A through G. I was
only in the letter so yesterday I was in C
and it was like, I mean they had the funky
They literally have funky worm Chris Cross I'm sorry Criss

Cross jump patch, but literally g thing but matching it
magic and I mean it makes it will put programmers out. Well,
not that programmers like Stevie Wonders guys are Mary's not
like they're they're in business to program anymore. But now
it's like there's literally no excuse for you did not

find the song you just typing the song title and
you know you got your patches. I was reading that
you were saying, um, we're working on Beach House three.
There was a lot of records you had to turn
down in order to get it, and I was curious
to know, how do you how do you determine what
is for you versus what it for someone else? Or

or like, how do you make that determination of I
this song, this feature is worth my time versus you
know what that I'm gonna do this and how it
makes me feel at the time and what I'm on
And for Beach House three, I started with Message in
a Bottle, which is the last song, which a lot

of the homies be like, yo, you tapped into the
time Corey vibes, thanks man. So anyway, uh, I started
with that, so I felt like everything had to be
as good as that, and I knew I wanted to
do a lot more singing so I could like get
this whole the rapper tide dollar sign thing you know

away from me. Um what came next after Message in
a Bottle? We did so am I okay? Um so
my famous and side effects. That's all my homies. Pooh bear,

He's just like solo. But he's amazing. Um, I've known
him for a while. He's been in the game for
a minute as well. He wrote Peaches and Cream from
one twelve back in the day, okay, and like he
also wrote um justin Peeper's versual deth Posito and he
good for a minute. Yeah, wow shout. What was the

difference between the like the campaign and uh and beach outs?
Because at first campaign was a mix tape and then
Atlantic put it out, Like how do you differentiate between
what's the tape and what's an official album? I would
have loved it to count his album. Um, that's some
of my favorite ships on campaign, but I guess I

didn't do my business right at the time. I'm learning, Um,
you have to like go through the album cycle with
the lawyers and all that, but for you can't just
give him a record and be like this album whatever, alright. Cool.
So so you basically said here and they were like, nope,
mixed tape. Yeah, because I wanted to drop it immediately,

and like they were like you, if you want to
drop it immediately, you have to do the mixtape. Yeah,
Like it just couldn't get cleared in time or whatever
the case. So you know, it came out as a
tape and um still had campaign on it and Zaddy
and you know some songs that people love, so shout
out everybody this dream campaign. But does but does that

also mean, uh that you get to control your mix tapes?
Like do they own the master to the mix tape?
Or is it just like like how is how is
that I've never released a mix tape. That's a different error.
It's just that that's the movement. Yeah, yeah it is.

But I meant like, do you get the own your
masters and everything if it's a mixtape? Okay, but they'll
promote it for you. Yeah, just so that okay. So
it's sort of like them handing out the flyer at
the end of the night, right, helping you out. I
see that. So by now I imagine that you're wishless
for working producers, musicians and artists. Is kind of being

chopped down, right, because you just said you walked in
here and you're like, shoot, I got John Mayor this album. Yeah,
I mean you got John Mayor, you got, you got,
you got everybody like you got baby Face, you get
So let's yeah, Ki Cutty, haven't done that. Okay, yeah, yeah,
it's not like a no brainer. We'll get together soon.

There's a lot of people I still want to work with.
Um think any other the Jagged Edges type of people
that you want to wear like nineties whatever you Yeah,
you know, the song would just have to come up
first and just here and feel it and get it done.

You were seeing me and Charlie Wilson had a song
too that could have went on Beach House three, but uh,
the song is amazing. We'll see, we'll see what happens
with here first. Would you consider doing any Yiddish folk
songs Onach House? I don't think I'm gonna make a
beach house for Actually, I'm gonna, you know, think of

a new time bees a lot closer to it now.
I'd imagine, yeah, I got a long beach beach house,
but like, it's not the one that I you want.
I'm gonna still like, um, where's the dream to get
the dream one? It could probably be in um, you know, Malibu,

Star Island and Miami or you know, there's many There's
gonna be many beach houses. You know. When my life
is looking to say that my nigger, Yeah, when do

you think you when do you think you gain confidence
as a singer, because you're saying earlier you know you
weren't really confident in it. I gained confidence, um when
I've seen why g walk away with the rest of
the Brave. Yeah, we talked about it. I said it.
I said it a couple of times. That motivated men.

He said, you got one more time to mention that
the interview. Yeah, well for sure, definitely. That will definitely
change you. Man, when you see it's possible, like when
you guys have just been working in the back, you know,
of Grandma's crib, and then all of a sudden you
can go get paid for real people want to pay
for this. Let's go get it there. That's that's really

words it. It really is hell. Yeah, you see the
niggas you walk up a four hundred dollars he walking
up with ten thousand. Yeah, I'll be a singing ass
right time. Man. We we thank you for coming on
the show today. Thank Youwhere this is not mine? I
actually stole the froom back. You hear that, James, make

sure put it that. No, man, We thank you very much.
Um on behalf of sugar. Hold up, damn, we forgot
real quick, Master teacher, can you get that the original
original sty woke? How did that come about? Um? We
were just uh five and over shot Peak's house in Georgia.

That's a gang of people on that song, Georgia, Balo,
the whole family, Erica, dude, everybody. It was just a
vibe there. Yeah, and I just did like me and
Corey did one part on there, and you know, Georgia
did a part, and this person did a part, this
person did apart, and then you have master teachers, stay

woke America America. Can we officially say that she bit
of that term I stay woke? Be careful. That was
the first place, That's the first place I've ever heard it. Yeah,
I'm just right now. I'm gonna just say that. No, no, no,

he definitely got Okay, Damn. I think she might do. Yes,
she might have. I don't even want to say bid it.
He might have just found out. But I just found out.
It was a great for those that we've been saying that.
That has nothing to do with staying woke. I hate
when people do that. I didn't thank you, not not you.
I'm just saying, like when artists do that and be like, oh,

you bid me like you know it's up in the air.
I didn't have like many songs like when I made Saved,
like J Cole had a song like the same time,
and I'm like, no, uh, I mean I put out
another song where I did this or n I didn't.

I didn't try to say people beat me. I just
said the best or na and then you had yes
you have the defend not thank you. Um, There's been
many songs like that with me and uh Chris Brown
and uh who else. We put out the Meek Mill
with the Tony Tony Tony sample and it was like

some other song that had the Tony Tony sample. They
thought we copied them or come on, man, a man
like there's only twelve notes on you does the loudest. Yeah,
but no, man, just thank thank you for coming and
just I mean for us to sit here. I just
want to say I'm a fan and I really just

to have watched your journey and where no way you
started the way you're taking crazy because I'm a big
fan of you, Like, thank you brother. Like in my
old whip right, I had uh you know how we
all had CD cases like the big and I had
all your times, all your joints right, and then somebody
broke in my ship and took all of my CDs

and I just never went and got CDs. While I
have the cases still at the christ but the actual
CDs were in that book, and like it just pisces
me off every time I look at the cases. Mind
me of the late nineties early arts where you had
to have like the travel cases. Yeah, the big liked
changes in the back. Oh yeah, they would have it

in the trunk. It was really bo you had the
CD change in the trunk. Jesus Man. That was the
original on demand it was anyway on behalf of Sugar
Steve Fontagelo. It's like EAH and unpaid and Boss Build.
Last words, absent bills, absentee bills. Anyway, thank you very

much for coming on the show. This is question Man
Cours Love Supreme. We will see you on the next
go round only on Pandora. M Cours Love Supreme is
a production of My Heart Radio. This classic episode was

produced by the team at Pandora. For more podcasts for
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