Vote this way: Aerosmith performing on the National Mall, with the US Capitol in the background, Sept. 4, 2003.
(Frank Micelotta/Getty Images)
Vote this way: Aerosmith performing on the National Mall, with the US Capitol in the background, Sept. 4, 2003.
(Frank Micelotta/Getty Images)
Year of No Gigs, Double Whammy for UK Musicians, Binge Listening, Suzi Analogue, Brandy Clark...
Matty Karas (@troubledoll), curator January 7, 2021
quote of the day
Musicians have been political literally since people were writing songs
rant n' rave

A short rantnrave today. Like, I assume, the rest of America, I spent a good chunk of Wednesday staring at my country on TV and trying to keep my brain from falling out, PHOEBE BRIDGERS' "I KNOW THE END" and BOB DYLAN's "MURDER MOST FOUL" playing on a loop quietly in the background. My brain ended up falling out anyway. I don't know what else to say today... Except this, which seems somehow relevant: Post-BREXIT, trying to be a musician who lives in the UK and performs in Europe is much, much harder than it used to be... RIP PAUL ALLEN.

Matty Karas (@troubledoll), curator

January 7, 2021