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Album premiere: Tomoko Sauvage

October 2020

The composer's latest album Fischgeist was recorded in a former water tank in Berlin

The Yokohama born, Paris based musician Tomoko Sauvage continues to explore the properties of her self-made natural synthesizers in her latest aquatic themed album Fischgeist. Performed inside a damp disused water tank in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, these sound experiments see the trained jazz pianist playing porcelain and glass bowls filled with water and amplified with hydrophones to investigate sympathetic resonances.

Fischgeist is a development of some of the ideas explored in Sauvage's last album Musique Hydromantique (Shelter Press, 2017), but it also incorporates sounds that are playfully representational of an imagined underwater landscape. About the album's title, which translates as Ghost Fish, she says: “One day between recording sessions, a man, a passerby, wanted to look inside the building. He told me that it used to be full of fish. For a second I imagined a huge round aquarium with loads of fish swimming around in circles. Then I realised that he meant dead fish were kept there, to be sold on markets during the GDR era. But the image of fish swimming in the space stayed with me.”

The album will be released on 16 October by the Berlin based label Bohemian Drips, which specialises in publishing and staging site-specific compositions in settings with distinctive acoustics.

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