J Balvin wants fans to take Covid-19 seriously. "This isn't a joke."
CNN  — 

J Balvin wants his fans to know that coronavirus “is real and it’s dangerous.”

The Colombian singer has revealed that he is recovering, after contracting Covid-19.

“At the moment, I’m just getting better,” he said in a recorded video message while accepting an award for his “Rojo” music video during the Premios Juventud 2020 on Thursday. “These have been very difficult days, very complicated. Sometimes we won’t think that we’ll get it, but I got it and I got it bad.”

He had a few words for those who think the virus isn’t something to be concerned about.

“My message to those that follow me, young fans and people in general is to take care. This isn’t a joke. The virus is real and it’s dangerous”

Balvin is the latest celebrity to reveal a personal Covid-19 infection. Others include Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson, and even Alyssa Milano, who says she tested positive for antibodies.