Erasure talks their fanboy beginnings and their new album, 'The Neon'

Erasure, one of the most successful synthpop groups, is back with a new album titled, "The Neon." Members Andy Bell and Vince Clarke talked to Yahoo Entertainment about their inception, their influences, and how new music (made in quarantine) might be on the way. Bell recalled going into an audition as a massive fan of Clarke's. Clarke previously had been in Yazoo and Depeche Mode and Bell was a bit starstruck. "They said, 'Can you come down?' I said, 'Yes! and they said, 'Do you know who Vince Clarke is?' and I was like, 'Whoa!'" Bell said of the audition. Clarke chalks up their continued success to them sharing songwriting duties. "Andy is a best friend," he said. "And that's really unusual I think in a pop band."