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Dirty Projectors Share ‘Self Design’ Video, Drop New EP Day Early

"Our time here is short and every day is precious. Black lives matter. Defund the police," band says as Flight Tower arrives Thursday

The Dirty Projectors released their new EP Flight Tower — the second of the band’s five planned EPs in 2020 — a day early Thursday, and with it a new video for the track “Self Design.”

While the video was likely shot during quarantine, singer Felicia Douglass and the band provide the song with a sunny, outdoor backdrop. “Self Design,” which follows previous Flight Tower singles “Inner World” and “Lose Your Love,” boasts samples of Harry Belafonte’s “Dolly Dawn” and composer Maurice Ravel’s “Miroirs.”


The Dirty Projectors are the latest band to drop their music early in support of social justice, as the band said in a statement: “Our time here is short and every day is precious. Black lives matter. Defund the police.” Flight Tower is available to stream or purchase now as a standalone EP as well as preorder as part of the 5-EP set.

Four of the five EPs Dirty Projectors planned for 2020 will feature a different band member on lead vocals — first Maia Friedman on Windows Open, then Douglass on Flight Tower, followed by Dave Longstreth and Kristin Slipp — before everyone will share vocal duties on the fifth.

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