Colbie Caillat group Gone West dives into country with debut album: Interview

Matthew Leimkuehler
Nashville Tennessean

At least one audience member teared up the first time Gone West shared a stage together. 

The four-piece vocal outfit left the performance — during the famed Grand Ole Opry, no less — with dry eyes. 

As for one parent in the crowd? Not so much. 

“My dad is like this 6’4’’ cowboy from Texas and I've only seen him cry once in my life,” said co-founding member Nelly Joy. “And then I found out later through my brother that my dad, actually, when we sang that time at the Opry, he cried. 

“It was so moving,” she continued. “And I just thought that was really cool. We had done something special, if my dad felt it like that. I think we all felt it too.” 

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And “moving” music works for Gone West. The new vocal outfit — featuring Joy, a longtime Nashville songwriter, two-time Grammy Award-winning folk-pop singer Colbie Caillat, Hawiaan musician Justin Young and songwriter-producer Jason Reeves — completely embraces modern country harmony with sprawling musical adventures into intimate relationships, important friendships and the gamble that comes with each. 

Gone West is scheduled to play the Chevy Riverfront Stage at CMA Fest 2019.

On Friday, Gone West delivers debut full-length “Canyons" via Nashville-based Triple Tigers Records. 

“It's been a really nice process for us, being individual artists, to be in a band with our friends — getting to travel and getting to really dive into country music,” Caillat said. 

The mutual friends — Joy and Reeves are married; Reeves co-wrote “Bubbly” and other notable Caillat hits; Young and Caillat were once engaged, and so on — formed the group three years ago after a homerun writing session that delivered the band’s first song, “When To Say Goodbye.” 

One session snowballed into a collection of songs that creatively explores space between the group’s roots in California and Hawaii, and their new home — Nashville. 

“It was birthed through love and friendship and that’s what is so great about it because it comes from a place of just us hanging out together, being around each other all the time,” Joy said. “Eventually it was probably destined to happen, due to close quarters."

Influenced by nostalgic harmony outfits like the Eagles, Fleetwood Mac and Simon & Garfunkel, Gone West tracked “Canyons” mostly between home studios in Tennessee. The songs tackle “heartbreak and people around us going through that,” Caillat said. 

Gone West.

For example, on “What Could’ve Been,” the album’s lead radio single and one of the last tracks penned for “Canyons,” Gone West neatly threads a story about a path not taken. 

The chorus sings, “'Cause we left blood on the tracks/ Sweat on the saddle/ Fire in the hills/ A bullet in the barrel/ Words never said in a story that didn't end … what could've been.” 

Caillat noted “Knew You,” a number about falling out with friends, and “Home Is Where The Heartbreak Is,” a wrenching ballad that chronicles a struggling marriage, as songs where the group captures others’ experiences together in song. 

“A majority (of the writing) is about other people around us going through loss and experiencing that, emotionally,” Caillat said. 

And there’s “Gone West,” the group’s title anthem, about each member “going to their hometown and bringing back the best it has to offer to Tennessee,” Joy said. The four-piece played “Gone West” at the Opry during last year’s debut. 

On the song’s origin, Caillat said, “Justin was just messing around on the guitar. He was singing something like, ‘I've Gone West.’ It was just this really cool part."

Gone West on the red carpet at the 57th annual ASCAP Country Music Awards Monday, Nov. 11, 2019, in Nashville, Tenn.

She continued, “We all wrote the chorus together and … we individually wrote the lyrics to the verses for each other. Justin wanted to have an explanation of what we came together as a band, and the genesis of that.” 

Joy and Caillat said they’re not sure how to celebrate the album’s release. As with virtually all summer records, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic prevents any big in-person bash. 

Still, after years leading up to a full-length release, Joy said she’s ready to show listeners “the album that we all love.” 

“The world needs love and light right now and hope and inspiration and, you know, that's what our band is all about,” she said. “And we hope that we can put a smile on some faces and hopefully encourage people to have a better day in the midst of what feels like a really dark time right now.”