Joni Mitchell in 1988.
(Calle Hesslefors/ullstein bild/Getty Images)
Joni Mitchell in 1988.
(Calle Hesslefors/ullstein bild/Getty Images)
Rebuilding the ARC, Building Logic, Dutch Justin Bieber, De La Soul, Leikeli47, Lee Morgan...
Matty Karas, curator March 13, 2019
quote of the day
Men need resolution and suspended chords keep things open-ended. You go to a man if you have a problem and he tries to solve it. You go to a girlfriend and she'll pat you on the back and say, 'Oh yeah, I get it.' She doesn't try and come up with some stupid solution.
rant n' rave

With 3 million sound recordings and 3 million "pieces of attendant support material" including photos, books, magazines and press kits, BOB GEORGE's ARCHIVE OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC is one of the world's greatest pop music libraries/archives. Hopefully you're aware of it; maybe you've used its services. It's in some danger of losing its home in downtown New York, and George has launched a $100,000 GOFUNDME. This is a public service announcement. Send him money. ARC's clear and simple mission is to own one copy of everything, in all formats, and for several decades it's served as a priceless and probably irreplaceable resource for music researchers both inside and outside the music biz. Its collections are deep, wide and (small c) catholic, and I've long forgiven ARC for not taking my collection of classical 78s off my hands when I was scrambling to find a good home for it because classical was the one thing it wasn't collecting. Maybe that was George's subtle way of telling me that my home was already a good home. I've recently reclaimed the albums (sidenote: the packaging of long-playing 78s from the first half of the 20th century is why albums are called albums) from storage and brought them back home. I'm contributing to the GoFundMe because I believe in the mission and also to say thanks. George, who has housed the collection in his Tribeca space since 1985, tells ROLLING STONE that museums and university libraries "only want things after they’ve gotten valuable. It’s a small view of value. We see things differently. We see the value in everything.” That's pop right there. That's also, I needn't tell you, how you create value in the first place. The $100,000 would go toward paying off back rent that's been growing since ARC's rent doubled from $10,000/month to $21,000/month, and it's a pittance to pay for a treasure... COACHELLA's deep, wide and catholic radius clause has survived a legal challenge "with prejudice," which is great for GOLDENVOICE and a setback for would-be competitors from roughly Tucson to Seattle. Which does not mean Goldenvoice is now free to annex the entire Western US, but here's some of the legalese of what it does mean... This is the best ADAM NEELY YOUTUBE video I've seen in a long time, which may or may not mean anything to you but should, because he's one of the smartest and clearest musicsplainers on the internet. I've learned something from every video he's made, whether it's about how to count complex polyrhythms or how music sounds when A = 432Hz. This one's about the prevalence of a particular vocal rhythm called the Scotch snap in English-language pop and hip-hop and how it's a byproduct of the way Americans speak English and how it connects to early English baroque music and traditional Scottish dance music and there's some math involved and some sheet music and I swear it all makes sense. This man is a gem; as long as your wallet's open, contribute to his PATREON... This is the best TINY DESK CONCERT I've seen in a long time. As a bonus, I now know how to pronounce LEIKELI47's name... Self-explanatory but also not-self-explanatory headline of the day: The BRITNEY SPEARS Musical Will Feature Fairy Tale Princesses (?) in a Book Club (??) Reading 'The Feminine Mystique' (???)... Happy SXSW, those of who you are there. Plan ahead, remember to hydrate and don't forget your earplugs... RIP JOHN KILZER and VERA BILA.

Matty Karas, curator

March 13, 2019