Nino Castelnuovo and Catherine Deneuve in "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg." RIP composer Michel Legrand.
(Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images)
Nino Castelnuovo and Catherine Deneuve in "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg." RIP composer Michel Legrand.
(Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images)
Finding 'Finding Neverland,' Music's Most Powerful, Italy's Milli Vanilli, Dawn, Drakeo the Ruler...
Matty Karas, curator January 28, 2019
quote of the day
If you're an artist, songs are your principles. We're not just in our f***ing rooms making beats.
rant n' rave

The burning question about FINDING NEVERLAND, which premiered Friday at SUNDANCE to an audience of film insiders who had to walk by exactly two protesters, is what happens when it shows up on HBO this spring, exposing the lengthy firsthand accounts of two men who say Jackson sexually abused them when they were kids to the rest of the world. Can victims' intimate firsthand stories do to MICHAEL JACKSON what they did to R. KELLY? Can TV testimony do what years of books, news accounts and a criminal trial could not? Can DAN REED's four-hour documentary stand up to what will no doubt be the intense scrutiny of more than two protesters? Are we, as a culture, more inclined to forgive the alleged horrible acts of the shy, soft-spoken, world-changing KING OF POP than the alleged horrible acts of the defiantly creepy guy who sang "TRAPPED IN THE CLOSET"? Will we be? Should we be?... MICHEL LEGRAND's songs and score for THE UMBRELLAS OF CHERBOURG were nominated for three OSCARS in 1966 and won none. If A STAR IS BORN does better than that, I will be sad. Which is why I am already sad. RIP to the composer of one of the greatest film musicals of all (and many more classic films and songs)... FASTBALL, one of the many bands owed money by troubled crowdfunding company PLEDGEMUSIC, suddenly got about half the $20,000 it was due on Friday—three days after it went public with its fight with the company, via BOB LEFSETZ. Half is better than nothing and worse than everything. "We want the rest!," frontman TONY SCALZO tells VARIETY, vowing never to work with the company again. I'm sympathetic to this pro-PLEDGEMUSIC take by veteran industrial musician/college professor MARTIN ATKINS, who has also wound up on the short side of the company's accounts payable ledger but says its execs have expressed "acute embarrassment about the situation they are in and a desire to fix it in a meaningful way." Is a company that can't account for its own artists' money but is sorry truly better than a company that can't account for its own artists' money but isn't? In the end, that's going to be up to the artists. But one question they may well be asking themselves: If the funds to cut a 10K-plus check to a band like Fastball were available three days after the company was publicly embarrassed, why weren't they available three days before all that? There are blockchain proselytizers circling the industry at this very moment, trying to disrupt the system with promises of instantaneous, transparent payments. If the promises are real—a big if—then stories like this will make their job significantly easier... This theft of a BANKSY is worse than most thefts of BANKSYs. Heartless... Kinda loved RENT. Kinda didn't... GUITAR HERO's new guitar hero... RIP also ANDY SKOPES, ROBERTO LIVI, BRUCE CORBITT, TERRY JENNINGS.

Matty Karas, curator

January 28, 2019