Sleep singer/bassist Al Cisneros in OIso, Norway, May 22, 2018.
(PYMCA/Universal Images Group/Getty Images)
Sleep singer/bassist Al Cisneros in OIso, Norway, May 22, 2018.
(PYMCA/Universal Images Group/Getty Images)
Yo Don't Bum Rush Your Ex's Show, Heavy Metal Hoaxing, H.E.R. Jay-Z, The 1975, Selling Stereo...
Matty Karas, curator December 17, 2018
quote of the day
It's time for all of us to come together to solve this problem. We must stop pointing fingers to say it's radio's problem and radio saying it's the labels' problem. Can we all just get in a room together and find a solution before we hurt the careers and livelihoods of so many talented artists?
rant n' rave

Following your ex to her place of work, loudly interrupting her at a presentation in front of her colleagues and clients and begging her to take you back is "cringeworthy" at best, a "textbook definition of harassment" (and stalking) at worst. Abetting such a stunt in the hope of creating a viral music festival moment is so beyond gross I don't know what the proper word for it is. Telling the internet to stop bashing your ex who did that because he's still the father of your baby and because online bullying isn't ever helpful is the definition of class. I'm not naming names even though you know who I'm talking about because I don't know them and their private lives are none of my business. But when those private lives spill over into public performance involving some of the biggest pop stars on the planet, it would be super helpful, classy even, for the handlers and other people behind the scenes to think about what message is being sent to the boys, girls and young men and women in the audience, to further think about the slights and abuses that women face every day of their lives, and to do the right thing... Also, stop trying to countrysplain why there are so few women on the radio and start putting women on the radio. Literally all you have to do is cue up a song and hit the "play" button. That's the solution... Every officially inducted member of every band in the ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME becomes a Hall of Fame voter, which means, for example, RADIOHEAD gets five ballots in future Hall campaigns, ROXY MUSIC and DEF LEPPARD get six each, the CURE get nine and JANET JACKSON gets one. And that, I would like to think, means the chances just got a little better for the likes of KRAFTWERK, DEPECHE MODE, CHAKA KHAN, the SMITHS and JUDAS PRIEST. Not that I can imagine THOM YORKE sitting at his desk, pondering the options and filling in a ballot. But I can see JONNY GREENWOOD patiently putting checkmarks next to CAN or KRZYSZTOF PENDERECKI, should the nominating committee ever see fit to offer those options... "I'm gathering that RIVERS might be a guy in WEEZER?"... Music law headline of the week: "You Can't Buy the 'RASPBERRY BERET' MP3 at the Secondhand Store"... RIP JOE OSBORN, ANDREW FRIERSON and PERRY ROBINSON.

Matty Karas, curator

December 17, 2018